Burnt Mills

This community, located a few miles from Stephens Arbor, got its name from the occasion when the Union troops burned the cotton mills here after a skirmish battle during the Civil War commanded by Grierson. Nancy Catherine Selman was living at Burnt Mills Community area then, and witnessed the battle. After the war, the mills were not rebuilt and only tow general stores remained, Sam Smith Store and the Buchanan Store. Mrs. Lyla McDonald of Iuka furnished us with a word picture of this battle written for the Iuka Vidette April 23, 1896 by M. Koogah.


“I was a boy of 15 when the Battle of Burnt Mills was fought. My father’s family was living in a schoolhouse after the destructive of the Burnt Mills settlement.

On the morning of the battle, my father sent me out to look around the ruins of our old home. As I was entering the Jacinto and Russellville Road at the mouth of the lane between Robinson’s farm and my fathers, I met the advance guard of the Federals. One of the blue coats said to me, “Hello Bub, where are you going?” I told him my business, “Well, Bub, we will not let you carry any news, so get in front of us.”

So they marched me towards Burnt Mills. We hadn’t gone for when we met the Confederated. There were several shots fired and the Confederates retreated to Burnt Mills.


The Federals carried me on until we passed Panther’s Creek, and by this time, there was quite a company past me. The Yanks who had me in charges said, “Well, Bub, you can take care of yourself.” I took refuge under the bank creek until the army had passed, then I made haste for the schoolhouse. The Yanks got the better of the battle by having all the advantages of position and number.

The Yanks left orders for the citizens to bury the dead and care for the wounded. Myself and few others and two old men found and buried the one man that was dilled. He was a Confederate. We found the two wounded Confederates whom we took to Mrs. Reeds. One of them died.”


Submitted by Joe Stephens.


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