
Murff McLellan Obituary

Funeral services for Murff McLellan, long time Justice of the Peace in beat two and one of Holmes County's best known citizens, were held Wednesday afternoon at Mt. Vernon Baptist Churchnear West.  He was a charter member and deacon of this church which was organized over 60 years ago.
The Rev. Earl Ezell, pastor, officiated at the rites assisted by the Rev. Curtis Ellis of West.
He died at his home Monday.Mr. McLellan would have been 87 years of age on December 14.  He was born at West and lived his entire life in Holmes County where he farmed.  He served Beat Two as Justice of the Peace for 32 years.  He did not offer for reelection in 1952 because of failing health.  His keen sense of humor endeared him to a host of friends throughout  Holmes County and his annual visits to the county site and his more frequent visits to Durant were always enjoyed by his friends here.  "Mr. Murff" didn't have a car so he pretty well had to catch rides with his friends-all of whom were always happy to have him.  Interment was held in Brister Cemetery with Lee of Winona in Charge

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Lottie McLellan, six stepsons and two stepdaughters, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Wynn, of Jackson.

Pallbearers were Carl Pruitt, Rich Ellis, Dennis McBride,  Jessie Baughn, and Leon Aldrich.

Mr. Edgar Murff  McLellan was born 14 Dec 1869 and died 10 Oct 1955