
Jefferson County



Fayette Watch Tower, 1855 - 1858

Printed every Friday by Thomas Harper, Editor & Proprietor

Abbreviations Key
inst. = Instant - the present month
ult. = Ultimo - in the preceding month
sic = used to indicate that text it is exactly reproduced from an original with errors


ca. Dec. 1855 - Undated page - Fayette Watch-Tower
Only bottom portion of the page remaining
ca. Dec. 1855 - Undated page - Fayette Watch-Tower
Married - Thomas McGee to Minerva J. Humphries, both of this county on the 14th. inst.
Letters Testamentary Granted - Patterson Tribble, deceased by Joseph Prewitt, Executor, Dec. 14, 1855.
Letters of Administration Granted - Henry Wright, deceased by Thos. W. Beck, Executor, Rodney, Dec. 7, 1855.
Executor’s Sale - Philip H. Harrison deceased by H. B. Harrison, Wade Harrison and P. B. Doherty, Executors, Dec. 14, 1855.
Runaway in Jail - A negro boy, William, age about 35 or 36, Nov. 30, 1855.
Runaway in Jail - A negro woman, Susan, age about 40, Sept. 14, 1855.
Dec. 27, 1855, Vol. XIV, No. 12, Whole Number 714 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts


Jan. 4, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 12, Whole Number 714 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Jan. 11, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 14, Whole Number 715 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Administrator’s Notice - Hiram Baldwin, deceased by Jefferson Montgomery, Administrator, Jan. 11, 1856.
Letters of Administration - Archibald Torrey, deceased by John Torrey, Administrator, Jan. 11, 1856.
Administrator’s Notice - Henry Martin, deceased by Joachim Muller, Administrator, Jan. 11, 1856.
Jan. 18, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 15, Whole Number 716 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Jan. 25, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 16, Whole Number 717 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Death - Funeral sermon for the late Mrs. Catherine Mayberry will be preached at the Methodist E. Church in this place on the first Sunday in February.
Guardian’s Sale - Richard I. Stampley, minor by Maria Magee & Haram B. Magee, Guardians, Jan. 25, 1856.
Feb. 1, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 17, Whole Number 718 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Feb 8. 4, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 18, Whole Number 719 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Feb. 15, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 19, Whole Number 720 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Estate Notice - John I. Stampley, deceased by Jalone Z. Stampley, John C. Stamps and Zoane Stamps, his wife, Feb. 9, 1856.
Feb. 22, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 20, Whole Number 721 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Issue Missing
Feb. 29, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 21, Whole Number 722 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Married - Richard Truly and Miss Mary Key, both of Fayette at the home of Mr. Tubbs, Esq. On the 27th inst.
March 7, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 22, Whole Number 722 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
March 14, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 23, Whole Number 724 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Terrible Accident - Last Friday, 8-miles from Gallatin place and on the Jackson Road at the store of Mr. Allman. Allman was smoking in the storeroom and being called to breakfast started out and it is supposed passed over a keg of powder, dropping fire into it. The house was leveled to the ground by the explosion that ensued and was soon wrapped in flames. Mrs. Allman was found in the ruins, badly, but not dangerously hurt and bruised. No property was saved and only the skull and ribs of Mr. Allman were found.
Letters Testamentary - Lycergus E. O’Neal, deceased by Wm. M. Porter and Mary O’Neal, Executors, March 14, 1856
Letters Testamentary - Frederick J. Chambliss, deceased by John S. Chambliss and James E. Calhoun, Executors, March 14, 1856
March 21, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 24, Whole Number 725 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Fire at Mississippi State Insane Asylum - A fire occurred on Thursday at the Asylum for the Insane at Jackson, destroying all the outbuildings, including the gas-works, from which it is supposed to have originated.
Marriage - George Hay to Mrs. Nancy Williams at Rodney last week performed by Squire Worthington.
Marriage - Levi A. Moore to Miss Elizabeth Ann Stampley by Hon. J. M. Ellis, all of this county, at Stampley Town on Saturday, March 15th.
Tax Collector’s Sale: Edward C. Barrett, J. D. S. Davenport, T. D. Davenport, Estate of George F. Barkhaw, John H. Barkhaw, William F. Booker, Thomas W. Garnett, Charles B. Green, Milton J. Guice, Estate of Elizabeth Griffing, Phil. Barbee Harrison (minor), Philip B. January, Estate of Prosper King, Peter McGary, James Mitchell, William Neill, Estate of Martin Nevills, Thomas Nevills, B. Pendleton, Mrs. M. H. Sanders, Mary Jane Stuart, Estate of Jno. Coleman Smith, Estate of Richard D. Scott, Estate of Mrs. R. E. Turner, George C. Torrey, Dr. John L. Torrey, Estate of R. S. Williams, Mrs. Harriet Yoe, William Coleman, James T. Miller.
March 28, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 25, Whole Number 726 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
April 4, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 25, (sic) Whole Number 727 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Murder - Last Saturday evening, a negro boy belonging to Richard Scott, Esq., of this county, got into a difficulty with another negro belonging to Mrs. Kate Scott, when the latter after separation, returned on the former with a hoe and dealt him a blow on the head that proved fatal in a few hours. The murderer is still at large, but is bing pursued with dogs.
Diabolical Attempt to Commit Murder - An attempt was made last Friday, near Buffalo Creek, by a negro boy, upon Joseph Ellsberry, overseer of Jessee Ogden. It seems early that morning, Ellsberry with Ogden started hunting turkeys. They soon became separated and Ellsberry sat down near the public road waiting for daylight to appear when Ogden’s negro, Jim, came along on his way home, having been off during the night without permission. The Ellsberry ordered Jim to the fields to work and he would attend to his case upon his return. Jim, instead of going to work, went to his master’s house and took a double barrel gun which was loaded with squirrel shot and returned to where he’d left Ellsberry. Creeping up on him, Jim took air through the fence and discharged the weapon, hitting Ellsberry in the left-side, directly over the region of his heart, wounding him, however not seriously. Jim made his escape and has not yet been taken. He has a mother living on the “Baylor Winn” place, a few miles below Natchez and a brother named Ben, in the city. Neighbors are in pursuit of Jim with dogs and he will soon be taken. Natchez Courier [lengthy article]
Murder on the Steamboat Ohio Belle - The Ohio Belle on the way to New Orleans from Cincinnati was approaching Cairo [Missouri] on the morning of the 14th inst. A young man, named Jos. D. Jones [whose real name was Joseph Cocke, Jr.] got on board about 3 a.m. at Smithland, KY. He was under the influence of liquor and behaved in an outrageous manner and Capt. H. E. Stevens, clerk of the boat, found it necessary to eject him from the cabin. This took place at 11:15 a.m. Jones attempted to renter when Capt. Stevens, stepped out and pushed him from the door. Jones drew a revolved and fired hitting Capt. Stevens about 2-inches below the left arm-pit. He died 15-minutes later. Jones was secured by the second clerk and bound. When the boat reached Cairo, Capt. Sebastian proposed delivering Jones to the legal authorizes who refused to receive him upon the presence thy had no jurisdiction. The captain departed for Hickman, KY and handed him over to the authorities of that place. At Hickman, it was learned that Jones had slipped his bindings. A search was made of the boat but it is presumed he jumped overboard. Jones was about age 22 and represented himself as the son of a planter in Marshall Co., MS. It is also stated he fled home to escape a warrant issued against him for threatening to shoot another young man. New Orleans Picayune [very lengthy article]
April 11, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 27, Whole Number 728 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Issue missing
April 18, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 28, Whole Number 729 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
April 25, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 29, Whole Number 730 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Body Found - The body of Jones, [whose real name was Joseph Cocke, Jr.] the murder of Capt. Ed. Stevens on the steamer Ohio Belle has been found at the head of the bar below Hickman lashed to a chair, making his fate no longer a matter of doubt. It matters not whether de deserved his horrible fate or not; the idea of setting law aside, without hearing evidence in the case and confining him by lashing him with cords from head to foot and throwing him overboard is decidedly fiendish and deserving of reprobation.
Tragedy on the Ohio Belle - The Memphis Eagle and Enquire of Thursday last - We learned the real name of the young man who killed Stevens on the Ohio Belle was Joseph Cocke, Jr., son of Joseph Cocke, Esq., residing near Holly Springs, MS. Young Cocke killed Mr. Sanderson at Holly Springs a few years ago and has ever since been a fugitive from justice
Runaway - Edward Going, age about 16, living in Rodney, MS, an apprentice of the Saddle & Harness-making business. Reward of 5-cents, if brought back to me or 3-cents if lodged in some safe place so I cannot get to him again. W. Thompson, April 25, 1856
Horrible Tragedy - A Father Murdered by his Son - Thos. R. Borden, Esq. A citizen in Green Co., AL was shot and killed by his son while lying in bed on the 28th ultimo. Mr. Borden was shot before Mrs. Borden had retired. She was in another part of the house and hearing the report of the gun, went to her husband to wake him so he might get up and see about it. A light showed his head blown to pieces and his brains scattered about the bed and walls. On the day of the funeral, the son took his father’s saddle horse and $4,000 and fled. Neighbors followed and arrested him at Lauderdale Springs, MS and carried him back. Eastern Clarion at Pauling, MS [lengthy article]
June 6, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 35, Whole Number 736 - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
June 13, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 36, Whole Number 737 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Suicide - Franklin B. Hunt committed suicide at Franklin County jail a few days since where he was confined on a charge of assaulting his father with intent to kill. [very lengthy article]
June 20, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 37, Whole Number 737 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Runaway in Jail - Lewis was committed to jail in Jefferson Co., MS by John C. Hall, Esq, Justice of the Peace on the 16th inst. Lewis is of dark copper color, about 15 or 16 years old, rather stout build, has an impediment in his speech caused from having been gored in the mouth by an ox. Said boy says he belongs to ____ Pipes who lives in Adams Co., MS and ran-away about June 1stt. By R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, June 20, 1856.
Runaway in Jail - Joshua of black color, about 22 or 23 years old, 5-feet 7 or 8-inches tall, weight about 130 to 135-pounds, well spoken.
Runaway in Jail - Henry of black color, about 23 or 24 years old, about 6-feet tall, weight about 150 to 160-pounds, small scar on nose between the eyes.
Joshua and Henry say they belong to Judge Griffin and ran-away from his plantation in Washington Co., MS about June 1st. By R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, June 20, 1856.
Runaway in Jail - Bill of black color about 5-feet 9 or 10-inches tall, about 24 or 25 years old, weight about 135 or 140-pounds. Says he belongs to Thomas Kemp of St. Joseph, LA. R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, June 20, 1856.
Letters of Administration - Estate of William Broxton, deceased by F. G. Gaskins, Administrator, June 20, 1856.
Runaway in Jail - Willis Pyant of dark copper color, about 25 or 30 years old, weight about 135 or 140-pounds, considerable whip marks. Says he belongs to Wm. Edwards of Lagrange, GA who hired him with a number of other hands to work on the New Orleans & Jackson Railroad and he ran-away about 6-weeks ago near Osyka, MS. R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, May 30, 1856.
Bill of Divorce - Frances Hurst vs. James P. Hurst (he is now residing in South Carolina) by M. C. Dixon, Clerk of Court, Fayette, May 2, 1856.
Runaway in Jail - Albert, of black color, about 26 or 28 years old, 5-feet 8 or 9-inches tall, weight about 145 or 150-pounds. Says he belongs to Raymond Coldwell of Clinton, Hinds Co., MS and ran-away about 2-months ago. R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, May 2, 1856.
Guardian Notice - B. S. Ellis and H. A. Ellis by J. B. Coleman, May 30, 1856.
Attachment Notice - George N. Montgomery vs. Ferdinand P. Montgomery for the sum of $1,450.00 by Minor C. Dixon, Clerk of Circuit Court, March 5, 1856.
Attachment Notice - Ben. Wade vs. Robert Griffin by Minor C. Dixon, Clerk of Circuit Court, March 5, 1856.
June 27, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 38, Whole Number 738 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Edward Jones who died on the 11th inst., at his shop, No. 30 Greenwich St. Survivors: widow. He was a hat maker. [lengthy article]
Marriage - Absolem Ford to Mrs. Mariah Holaway, both of Franklin Co., at the bride’s residence on the evening of Thursday, 19th inst by Rev. J. M. Guice.
Lawrence Co., MS - the examination of the negro men, Thomas and Randel, for the murder by poison of their master, A. G. Johnson, upon a writ of habeas corpus, came off before Hon. J. E. McNair, Judge on Saturday evening last, when the negroes were, in default of bail in the sum of $3,000.00, remanded to jail of Pike Co., MS, there to await their trial. Monticello Journal, June 14th
Death - Wm. Hughes, boatswain of the British warship, WASP, was attacked with cholera on Monday at Mobile, AL, and died in 2-hours. He was a native of Dublin and his body was interred on Dauphin Island.
July 4, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 39, Whole Number 739 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Notice - Estate of James T. Miller will present claims to Orren Mayo of Harrisonburg, LA, by E. J. Miller, March 14, 1856.
July 11, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 40, Whole Number 740 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
The Galveston Civilian and Gazette of the 20th inst. says that the difficulties with the free negroes and persons of mixed blood, along the Louisiana and Texas boundary, seem to be felt as much in the former state as this. At a sale on the Whiscachito, Calcasieu Parish, LA, a hostile state of feelings, of long standing, was revived between Anthony Corkran, a highly respected citizen of the parish and William Bass (a man of mixed blood) which resulted in the death of the former. The murderer escaped and is yet at large. These obnoxious persons number some 150 along the border. They have become extremely insolent and dangerous, and we shall not be surprised to learn that the whites have dealt with them in a most summary manner, on account of the recent murders of white men by the inferior race, who are said to be a mixture of negro, Spanish, French and American blood, the descendants of buccaniers and ‘order ruffians’ of olden times.
The Port Gibson Reville - J. S. Morris, Esq., after ably conducting this Sterling Democratic Journal through a brilliant career, has disposed of it to Henry Hughes, Esq., the author of sociology. Mr. H is an able and excellent writer [lengthy article]
The Port Gibson Herald - Has changed hands and in the issue of the 4th inst., contains the salutations of the new editors and proprietors. Mr. Berry has already won golden opinions at the Bar in this Judicial District, as an able, interesting and fluent speaker, he will add to the cause he has espoused in the columns of The Herald. We are not acquainted with Mr. Purdon, but wish him and his associate success.
July 18, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 41, Whole Number 741 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
July 25, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 42, Whole Number 742 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Only front and back page, no page 2 or 3
No abstracts
August 2, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 43, Whole Number 743 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
August 9, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 44, Whole Number 744 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Issue missing
August 15, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 45, Whole Number 745 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower

No abstracts
August 22, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 46, Whole Number 746 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Mrs. Luvicea [Stampley] Evans, late consort of James H. Evans, and daughter of James H. [Henry] and Director [Smith] Stampley died in Fayette on the morning of the 18th inst. of congestive chills. She was born in Jefferson Co., MS at the home of her parents on July 4, 1832. [very lengthy article that is faded in places and some words are obscured in crease of page to the left]
Marriage - Rev. W. H. Hurst of Jefferson Co. to Miss Nanny Mann at the home of Col. C. Gillespie in Sunflower Co., MS on the 12th inst by Rev. Wadsworth.
Letters of Administration - William C. Stampley, deceased by Benadam Pendleton on Aug. 5, 1856.
Sheriff’s Sale - Jesse Boyer vs. Aaron J. Tubbs, Aug. 22, 1856.
Creditor’s Notice - Estate of John B. Montgomery by Samuel Montgomery, July 18, 1856
August 29, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 47, Whole Number 747 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Issue missing
Sept. 5, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 48, Whole Number 748 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Runaway - Julia of copper color about 5-foot 6-inches tall, about 45 years old says she ran-away last Monday night and belongs to Emanuel Kogilio (?) living at Pine Ridge, Adams Co., MS. R. F. McGinty, Sheriff, Sept. 5, 1856
Sept. 12, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 49, Whole Number 749 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Tribute of Respect - Isaac Garrett who died on Aug. ___, 1856 in this county by Masonic Lodge No. 181 of Union Church, MS
Obituary - Georgiana Hunt, second daughter of __ F. & Anna Hunt died on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 1856, age 3 years, 2 months, 15 days. [lengthy article and poem] [date of birth: June 18, 1853]
Sept. 19, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 50, Whole Number 750 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Marriage - David McCaa, Esq. To Miss Hettie F. Bullen on the 11th inst. at the home of Capt. Samuel Bullen by Rev. J. G. Jones.
Marriage - Miss Alzenett (?) Kinnison of this county to Daniel A. Buie of Franklin Co. on the 10th inst at the home of Nat. Kinnison by John C. Hall, Esq.
Sept. 26, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 51, Whole Number 751 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Two daughters of Rev. James L. Forsythe were suddenly attacked with congestive fever and in 4-days were both dead and were buried on Sept. 16th (?) in the same grave. Cornelia Forsythe, the eldest was 12-years old. Olivia Forsythe, the younger was not quite 8-years old.
Oct. 3, 1856, Vol. XIV, No. 52, Whole Number 752 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Trial for Murder - The trial of William Roberson (alias Robson) for the murder of Franklin Williams at Summit Level in this county last April, took place on Friday last before Judge John E. McNair. District Attorney was H. F. Johnson, Esq., and defense counsels were Wm. Vannerson of Monticello and John S. Lampkin, Esq. of Holmesville. Roberson had made the house of Williams his place of abode and Williams had been missed from his home and neighborhood for several days and when inquiry was made of Roberson, suspicions arose. Shortly afterwards a somewhat decayed and mutilated body with a broken skull was found buried in a grave about 6-inches deep at a sport immediately adjacent to the house. The grave had been covered over by a pile of logs and brush and fire placed thereon to obliterate the deed. Blood was found upon the inner walls of the house and upon the fence between the house and the grave. Mrs. Williams, wife of the deceased, and Mary Ann Dickerson (a young girl living with the family) were the sole occupants of the house. Previously, Roberson and Mrs. Williams had attempted to poison Williams by putting strychnine into his coffee, however, they failed. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and he received a sentence to hand on Friday, Oct. 24, 1856. Southern Journal [very lengthy article]
Administrator’s Notice - Jamison Liddell, deceased by Martha A. Liddell, Administrator on Sept. 19, 1856.
Oct. 10, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 1, Whole Number 753 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Administrator’s Sale - Richard Scott, deceased by Catherine E. Scott, Administrator or Oct. 10, 1856.
Administrator’s Sale - Richard Thames, deceased by Dan M. Patterson, Administrator on Sept. 16, 1856.
Oct. 17, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 2, Whole Number 754 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Married - Oliver Conley to Miss Margaret Moran, all of this county on the 10th ultimo, at the Planter’s Exchange in Fayette by John C. Hall, Esq.
Oct. 24, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 3, Whole Number 755 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Death - Dr. Branch T. Archer, the Father of the Texas Revolution died at the residence of Mrs. Wm. H. Wharton in Brazoria County, Texas on the 22nd ultimo. Dr. Archer came from Virginia to Texas in 1831 and had served in the Virginia Legislature. He was elected to the Convention of 1835 and was made its President. On its adjournment he was sent with Wm. H. Wharton and [Stephen F.] Austin, as Commissioner to the United States; was elected to the first Congress in 1836; and from 1839 to 1841 was Secretary of War. Since that time, he has been in retirement and enjoying the society and friendship of his old friends who entertained great respect for him. Dr. Archer was a polished gentleman, a ripe scholar and an eloquent speaker. [Note: He is buried at Eagle Island Plantation in Brazoria County, Texas]
Only front and back page, no page 2 or 3
Oct. 31, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 4, Whole Number 756 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Edgar Alexander Bolls, age 2 years 19 days, died the 15th inst. at his parents’s home in Jefferson Co., MS. He was the second son of William E. Bolls and Sarah E. Bolls. [includes poem]
Nov. 7, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 5, Whole Number 757 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Killing of a Negro at Natchez - On Monday evening of the present week, a negro man, belonging to Andrew Brown, Esq., named Jacob Pew, was found after the legal hour of 9 p.m. in the premises of Mr. Swan. After challenged by Mr. Swan, an alleged attempt of the negro to run and escape was the cause which Mr. Cox says why he shot over Pew’s head and his foot slipped in the chase and Cox brought his shot so low that it caused the death. The Corner’s inquest on Tuesday morning brought in a verdict of death caused by manslaughter. Mr. Cox gave himself up for trial. The examination took place on Wednesday morning before Justice Wood. Cox was held for trial at the November term of Adams County Circuit Court with bail of $3,000 given by Henry Steir, Esq.
Marriage - T. J. Hunt of Virginia to Miss Elizabeth Brown of Jefferson Co. on Friday night, Oct. 31st at the home of Bernard Hughes by William H. Bowen, Esq.
Death - Edwin C. Faulke, in this town on Tuesday, the 5th inst.
Nov. 14, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 6, Whole Number 758 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Front page missing
Notice - From the death of E. C. Faulke, the firm of E. C. Faulke & Co. no longer exists
Tribute of Respect - I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 14 for its member, E. C. Faulke of Fayette who departed this life on Tuesday evening, the 4th inst. [very lengthy resolution]
Obituary - Mrs. Octavia Kennedy died on the evening of the 2_th inst. at 4 p.m. in the 21stt year of her age, consort of Joseph Kennedy at the residence of her parents David and Anna Maria Boilen of this county. Mrs. Kennedy had been married but a few months since. In fine health and high spirts she took up her abode in Louisiana. [very lengthy article]
Marriage - A. J. Cameron, Esq. To Miss Mary C. Shaw, both of this county on Wed. evening at the home of Mrs. T. S. Shaw by Rev. W. B. Johnson.
Nov. 21, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 7, Whole Number 759 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Marriage - Jas. Nance to Miss Mary E. Ritchey, both of this county on Tues. evening the 18th inst. at the residence of Mrs. E. Richie by Rev. W. B. Johnson.
Murder - James East was killed at Caseyville, [Copiah Co., MS] yesterday by Wm. H. Rainwater. No difficulty or hard feeling was known to exist between the parties. Rainwater took East aside to have a word and a gentleman who was near them had no intimation of any quarrel until the report of the pistol, when turning to the parties he saw East fall and Rainwater run off. The ball entered East’s head just above one of his eyes. Gallatin Argus
Nov. 28, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 8, Whole Number 760 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Dec. 5, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 9, Whole Number 761 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Stop the Murderer - On the 4th inst., Wm. H. Rainwater murdered James East at Caseyville, Copiah Co., MS by shooting him through the head. No quarrel exited and no angry word preceded the act. Rainwater is between 25 and 30 years old, 5-feet 10-inches tall, slender built and stoops slightly forward. His eyes are gray and very restless; dark brown hair and sandy or grizzley beard. He carried a double barrel shot-gun. He had changed his name, calling himself Wilson, when last heard from and had crossed the Big Black River from Madison to Yazoo Co. Gallatian Argus [very lengthy article]
Marriage - Benjamin F. Giddings of Grand Gulf to Miss Mary V. Worthington of Rodney on the 4th inst. at the Planters Exchange in this town by John C. Hall, Esq.
Marriage - John K. Guice of Franklin Co., MS to Miss Mary A. Carney of Tensas Parish, LA on the 26th inst. by Rev. P. H. Deffeinwerth.
Dec. 12, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 10, Whole Number 762 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Guardian’s Sale - Whitfield Brown, deceased by Catherine Brown, Guardian of Minor Heirs on Dec. 12, 1856.
Dec. 19, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 11, Whole Number 763 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Dec. 26, 1856, Vol. XV, No. 12, Whole Number 764 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Front page missing
Marriage - Calvin Blue of Corish Co. to Miss Rebecca J. Buie, only daughter of Neil Buie, Senior in Jefferson Co., MS on Tues morning, Dec. 9th by Rev. McCallum.
Administrator’s Notice - Isaac Rubel, deceased by Morris Rubel, Administrator, Dec. 19, 1856.
Chancery Sale - Chas. Clark vs. Makel Miller and Barbara A. Miller, Infant heirs at Law, Jas. T. Miller, deceased.


January 2, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 13, Whole Number 741 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Marriage - Robert Riggs to Miss Mary Griffin, both of this county, on the 27th inst. at Sunny Dale by H. Rekab, Esq.
Marriage - J. S. Morris, formerly of this county to Miss Agnes Flornoy Willis, both of that county on the 25th inst. at Port Gibson by Rev. Benj. Jones.
January 9, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 14, Whole Number 742 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Trial - In the Circuit Court at Hernando, MS, slave Lemuel was found guilty of the murder of Mr. Stallings and sentenced to hung on January 9th.
Ad - J. A. Limerick & Co., Rodney, MS - This is to certify that we the undersigned have used Limericks Great Southern Liniment ... and found it to be an excellent remedy. Signed: W. C. D’Camp [DeCamp], et al, Feb. 1, 1854
January 16, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 15, Whole Number 743 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Killed - On Sunday last, near Linden in this county, Wm. Hartley was stabbed and almost instantly killed by Mr. Norman. Norman is now in jail awaiting examination. We are informed the event occurred as a result of intemperance. Gallatian Argus
Affray - In this county, last week, between Geo. W. Furr, Esq. and Jefferson Cook, in which the latter was stabbed in several places and dangerously, if not mortally, wounded. A judicial investigation will take place in Gallatin next Friday. Gallatian Argus
January 23, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 16, Whole Number 744 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Sickness in Fayette - John Mathews died.
Execution - Patrick Kennedy on the 18th inst. in New Orleans for the murder of James Cruise. New Orleans Crescent
Suicide - James Costlow, confined under sentence of execution, suicided on the 18th. inst after his conviction for the murder of policeman John Dunn. New Orleans Crescent
Frozen to Death - A negro man was frozen to death at Col. T. T. Sorby’s, near Panola, MS, a few days since. Memphis Bulletin
Marriage - William Corbin, of Georgia to Miss Martha D. Chambliss, daughter of Gen. Chambliss of Jefferson Co., MS on the 14th ult. at the residence of the late Gen. Peter C. Chambliss by Rev. Z. Butler.
Marriage - John F. McAvoy to Miss Elizabeth Berry, both of Rodney on Thur., 15th inst. by Rev. Purviance of Oakland College.
January 30, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 17, Whole Number 745 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Sickness in Fayette - We announce this week the death of a negro belonging to Wesley Villines, Esq., from the disease at present raging in our midst. The majority of them have not proven fatal.
Police Reporter - Sustenance of Dan and Berry, slaves of Geo. R. Dent from April 23, 1856 to Oct. 23, 1856, $148.00.
Notice - Edward Buckley, deceased by Daniel G. Patterson, Administrator, Nov. 7, 1856
Reward - Runaway on June 1, 1856, a negro boy, Albert, about 6-feet tall, age 30, scar on his breast, about 180 to 196 pounds by James Kelly, Nov. 14, 1856.
February 6, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 18, Whole Number 746 - Fayette Watch-Tower
Administrator’s Notice - Jeremiah Terry, deceased by Wiley B. Stuart, Feb. 6, 1857.
February 13, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 19, Whole Number 846 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Death - On Friday, Feb. 6th, of concussion of the brain, Susan Charlotte West, eldest daughter of Charles W. West and C. A. West, age 3-years, 3-months, 7-days. [lengthy article]
Death - Mary E. Whitney on Jan. 12, 1857, age 15-years, 7-months, 11-days, daughter of Judge J. Whitney and Clarissa Whitney of Jefferson Co., MS [very lengthy article, almost 2-columns, that is dark, faded or obscured in fold of newspaper]
February 20, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 20, Whole Number 747 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Mortality in Fayette - Small Pox - For weeks past, a fearfully malignant malady has prevailed in our healthy village, bearing with it consternation, distress and death. Business of all kinds suspended. Friends and neighbors do not meet. Several lives of citizens and slaves have fallen. [lengthy article]
Obituary - Died at the Fayette Exchange on the 15th inst., of small pox, John R. Scriber, age 25. [lengthy article]
March 13, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 23, Whole Number 749 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts

March 20, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 23, (sic) Whole Number 749 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
March 27, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 24, (sic) Whole Number 850 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Great tear on front page, bottom one-half of pages 1 & 2, missing.
No abstracts
April 3, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 25, (sic) Whole Number 851 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Edition looks like re-print of March 27, 1857 issue, just changed date!
Marriage - Morris Rubel to Miss Francis Wortheimer, all of this town, on the 1st inst. By John C. Hall, Esq.
April 19, 1857, Vol. XV, No. __, (sic) Whole Number ___ (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Front page missing - pages very wrinkled
Citation - Mary A. Wood and Edgar G. Wood, as guardians of the minor heirs of Abijah Hunt, deceased, April 8, 1857.
Obituary - Miss Martha Lavinia West, age 16, died at Rodney on April 1, 1857, daughter of Richard Claiborne West, youngest son of Col. Cato West of this county of a disease contracted by her whilst a student at Franklin Female College, Holly Springs. [lengthy article]
April 24, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 28, (sic) Whole Number 854 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
Notice - We republish the obituary of Miss West, on account of the gramatical (sic) and typographical errors occurring in it last week.
April 29, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 29, (sic) Whole Number 855 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Police Board - Wm. Thompson for coffin, digging grave, etc, for O’Neal found dead, $19.85.
Police Board - Tubbs & Manifold, for digging grave and funeral expenses for John Matthews, $25.00
Police Board - R. H. Truly, for 1 boy’s jacket for Wm. Douglass, blind pauper, $4.50.
Letter to the Editor - I observed in your issue of the 10th inst. an article over the signature of D. J. Allen referring to an obituary notice of my daughter, Mary Whitney. Dr. Allen kept my daughter’s sickness an entire secret from her family, until it was too late for them to see her alive. He promised to telegram immediately, if Mary or any of the young ladies from this neighborhood should be taken sick. He failed to do so. In his dispatch on Jan. 11th, “Miss Mary has suddenly been taken extremely ill, we fear the worst for her,” did not reach Memphis until Jan. 13th, and the cars passing morning and evening from Holly Springs to Memphis, a distance of only 75-miles consequently it did not reach Fayette until Jan. 14th, 2-days after her death. She was taken sick on Dec. 31, 1856 and died on Jan.12, 1857, 13-days and not one word about her sickness until Jan. 14th. I sent a son and daughter to Mary’s relived but when they reached Holly Springs, found she’d been dead 9-days and placed in a cemetery at Memphis, coffin labeled to my address. He did not place the body in a metallic case with a glass, so we could at least seen her face and been certain it was our child. Dr. Allen said t my son, “You can very easily pry the lid with a pen knife.” But it would not be well to expose a corpse after 15-days time. If he had telegraphed on Jan. 12th, informing me of her death and of placing her corpse in the cemetery at Memphis or my dispatch of Jan. 14th inquiring “if she was better,” had been answered, it would have saved us 10-days of painful suspense. But not a word did he telegraph after his first letter. My son and daughter returned from Holly Springs to Memphis on Jan. 23rd. Dr. All sent a letter we received on Jan 29th informing us of Mary’s death, 2-days afer the corpse has been interred at home. A son living at Port Gibson telegraphed on Jan. 15th to know if she was better but no response was sent until Jan. 22nd. Miss West, another pupil of Dr. Allen and roommate of Mary, whose health was delicate, being a victim to consumption of which she died about 2-weeks since, said on her death bed at home, that while at Holly Springs she asked Dr. Allen to take her as far as Rodney while on his way to a conference at Waterproof, LA. She says she was told that Waterproof was above Rodney and he could not take her, when she knew Rodney was some distance above. Her dying words, “Mother, we must all try to pray to forgive Dr. Allen for his neglect of Mary Whitney and myself.” One of the other roommates wrote on Jan. 4th, but as the letter was never received, I imagine it never left the walls of the college. Respectfully, J. M. Whitney, Fayette, April 14, 1857. [very lengthy article]
Runaway - Burrel, negro boy, from my place in Jefferson Co. on the morning of 24th inst., if bright copper, age about 25-years, 5-feet tall, heavy set, quick spoken and stutters when confused, scar on the forehead over left eye. Levi A. Moore, May 1, 1857.
Runaway in Jail - Adam, light copper color, age 24 or 25, about 6-feet tall, well built and weight about 175 or 180 pounds, rather sensible and free spoken, says he belongs to Wm. Conor of Adams Co., MS who owns a place near Waterproof, LA.
Runaway in Jail - Ephraim, black color, age 25 or 26, about 5-feet 9 or 10-inches tall, weight about 175 or 180 pounds, small scar on right wrist, rather slow spoken, says he belongs to Wm. Conor of Adams Co., MS who owns a place near Waterproof, LA.
Runaway in Jail - Harry, light copper color, age 25 or 26, about 5-feet 7 or 8-inches tall, slight built, about 135 or 140 pounds, circular scar on great toe of right foot which he says was done with an axe, says he belongs to Wm. Conor of Adams Co., MS who owns a place near Waterproof, LA.
May 8, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 30, (sic) Whole Number 856 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Punch a remarkable dog, sired in 1847 and died April 21, 1857, having been mortally wounded by a neighbor dog by B. F. Fox [very lengthy article - almost a full column]
Executor’s Notice - Archibald McPherson, deceased by Malcom McPherson, Administrator, May 8, 1857.
Executor’s Notice - Richard Overby, deceased by George     trong, May 8, 1857.
Executor’s Notice - Wm. B. Smith, deceased by N. S. Ray, Executor, May 8, 1857.
May 15, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 31, (sic) Whole Number 857 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Mrs. Ann Scott, age 54, died in this county on May 2nd, consort of Samuel Scott, Esq. [lengthy article]
May 22, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 32, (sic) Whole Number 858 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Board of Police - Thos. Adams, nursing, dressing, coffin and burying Charles Campbell, a pauper.
May 29, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 33, (sic) Whole Number 858 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Edition looks like re-print of May 22, 1857 issue, just changed date!
No abstracts
June 5, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 34, (sic) Whole Number 859 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Page 1, 3 & 4 only, no page 2
No abstracts
June 12, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 35, (sic) Whole Number 860 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Administrator’s Notice - John A. Mattingly, deceased by Martha J. Mattingly, Administrator, June 12, 1857.
Administrator’s Notice - Daniel M. Patterson, deceased by Archibald Smith, Administrator, June 12, 1857.
Runaway in Jail - Anthony, black color, age 45, 5-feet 9 or 10-inches, about 150 to 160 pounds, both little toes cut-off due to dropsy, says he belonged to John Irvin of Saline Co. MO who put him in the possession of Barney Lynch, negro trader, who transferred him to Humphrey Taylor, says he ran-away from New Orleans.
Executor’s Notice - Isaac Nobel, deceased by Aaron Noble, Executor, Jun 1, 1857.
June 19, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 36, (sic) Whole Number 861 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
July 3, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 38, (sic) Whole Number 863 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
July 10, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 39, (sic) Whole Number 864 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Arrest of Murderers - Some few weeks since the death of Duncan Skinner of this county, he was overseer on the plantation of Mrs. Sharpe, about 14-miles southeast of Natchez. His body was found on May 14th inst., in the woods, about a quarter of a mile from the quarters, his neck being broken and portions of his body greatly bruised. The first supposition was that he had been thrown from his horse and killed. An investigation discovered Mr. Skinner had been murdered by three or four slaves of the place. The negroes in the plot went to Mr. Skinner’s house just before day and aroused him on the pretense of a child in the family being sick. He opened the door, while in his night clothes and was knocked down by a blow on his breast from a heavy stick. The broke his neck, then got out his clothes, dressed him and put his watch around his neck and his purse with part of his money in his pocket; brought out his horse, saddled it; put the lifeless body on it, and led it to the woods, where the body was found. After running the horse up and down, they took the body off, turned the saddle and set the animal loose and placed the body in a position as to indicate an accidental death. Natchez Courier [very lengthy article]
Obituary - C. N. Killingsworth, one of the worthiest citizens of our county died at the residence of his mother, the homestead of the family on the morning of June 14th, of flux from which he suffered for several days. His death was sudden and unexpected.[very lengthy article] [Flux = an excessive or unnatural discharge of fluid matter from the body.]
July 17, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 40, (sic) Whole Number 865 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Guardian’s Notice - B. S. Ellis and H. A. Ellis by J. B. Coleman, Guardian, July 6, 1857
July 24, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 41, (sic) Whole Number 866 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Marriage - Chas. Meisner, Esq. to Miss Louis Hackler, both of that place in Rodney on the 15th inst. at the residence of Mrs. P. Hackler by Rev. Robert Price.
Marriage - W. S. Montgomery, Esq. to Miss Mary A. Clarke, daughter of Gen. Charles Clark of Bolivar Co., MS, on the 2nd inst. at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. Hines.
July 31, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 42, (sic) Whole Number 867 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Printed every Friday by Henry Baker, Editor with Thomas Harper, Publisher & Proprietor
Valedictory - This week, it becomes my duty, in retiring from the Chair Editorial so as to throw off neutrality and to enter the political arena. I took control of the paper in 1853. Thomas Harper [very lengthy article]
Salutatory - The present issue commences our connection to the paper. Henry Baker [very lengthy article]
Aug 7, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 43, (sic) Whole Number 868 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
History of Jefferson County [very lengthy article - Part I]
Board of Police - Jas. Haywood, making coffin for negro boy Bill
Board of Police - Wm. Thompson, holding Inquest negro Harry Baldwin
Obituary - Mrs. Jane Killingsworth, age 67, died at the homestead on July 14th, from an attack of the flux. She was among the earliest pioneers of the settlement in which she lived. Originally she came from the Carolinas. Her son recently died. [lengthy article]
Aug 14, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 44, (sic) Whole Number 869 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - L. [Lewis] H. Sims, age 43, died on Friday night at his residence in this county, of consumption. He left a wife and 10 children. He was born and married in the immediate vicinity of his plantation. He leg had to be amputated after having been previously broken by a fall from a horse. [very lengthy article]
Obituary - James Killingsworth, age 32, died on the 5th inst. at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Scott in this county of diarrhea. Also on July 14hh, at her own residence, Mrs. Jane Killingsworth, age 65, died. Also on June 14th, C. N. Killingsworth, youngest sone of Mrs. Killingsworth, age 31 years, four months. [very lengthy article]
Executor’s Notice - John Coleman Smith, deceased by Norman Frisby, Executor, Aug. 7, 1857.
Runaway in Jail - Ned of black color, age 50 to 55, about 5-feet 3 to 5-inches tall, about 135 or 140 pounds, side whiskers, rather gray, one upper and one lower front tooth gone, left thumb marked with a cut from an axe, says he belongs to Alfred Babbott, a sugar planter about 70-miles above New Orleans, says the post office of his master is Donnelsonville and probably Ascension Parish, LA. He ran away about a month ago.
Aug 28, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 46, (sic) Whole Number 871 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
History of Jefferson County [very lengthy article - Part III]
Sept. 4, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 47, (sic) Whole Number 872 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
History of Jefferson County [very lengthy article - Part IV]
Death of Rev. Dr. Wm. Winans - He was born in Pennsylvania on Nov. 3, 1788. Nearly half a century of his life was devoted to service of the Methodist Church; during 34-years of which he has been a prominent actor in all its interests. In 1812, he came to Mississippi as a missionary. His death occurred on Monday evening, Aug. 31st at 4 p.m.; his illness have been protracted and most painful. His journal and papers will pass into the hands of Rev. W. H. Watkins, his literary executor. Natchez Courier [lengthy article]
Sept. 11, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 48, (sic) Whole Number 873 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
History of Jefferson County [very lengthy article - Part V]
The Port Gibson Reveille has entered upon its 7th volume, and though five if its volumes, previous to its passage into the hands of its present editor, J. S. Mason, were without merit, and limited in patronage, we can sincerely say we hope it may passes through even more.
Runaway in Jail - Jerry of black color, age about 36, 5-feet 9 or 10-inches tall, weight about 155 or 160 pounds, large scar on left foot sunning from his 4th toe to his ankle, says he ran-away from James Godfrey in New Orleans on July 4, 1857.
Executor’s Notice - Lewis H. Sims, deceased by Eliza Sims, Executrix and John Quinn, Executor
Executor’s Notice - Sidrick N. Killingsworth, deceased by Anan Killingsworth and Anapias Killingsworth, Executors, Sept. 11, 1857
Executor’s Notice - Jane Killingsworth, deceased by Anan Killingsworth and Anapias Killingsworth, Executors, Sept. 11, 1857
Executor’s Notice - James A. Killingsworth, deceased by Anan Killingsworth and Anapias Killingsworth, Executors, Sept. 11, 1857
Sept. 18, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 49, (sic) Whole Number 874 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
History of Jefferson County [very lengthy article - Part VI]
Rodney Correspondence - George Williams drowned, he was from St. Joseph, LA. He had come down in a skiff and when alongside the Ferry Boat and about to come ashore, his nose commenced bleeding profusely and he fainted and fell over the boat side. S. B. Stampley, who was near the scene, nobly jumped overboard after him, without even waiting to divest himself of his clothing but without avail as the body never rose again. Our citizens sent for a cannon which was fruitlessly used for 3-days and the search was give up in despair.
Obituary - Mrs. ___da J. K_____, consort of J. W. K_____, in this county on Sept. 1st of a painful illness.
Sept. 25, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 50, (sic) Whole Number 875 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Execution of Jefferson Gray - A charge of murder was brought against Jefferson Gray for shooting Robert Abernathy in Pontotoc Co., MS. Gray left a wife and child. About a half-mile from Red Land, at a hickory tree, he was mounted on a horse and a handkerchief tied over his eyes, made to stand on his feet on the horse; the rope tightened over the limb, the horse led out from under and the unfortunate victim of the terrible vengeance of an outraged community left to swing and quiver between heaven and hear; as if unfit for either. [very lengthy article]
Oct. 2, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 51, (sic) Whole Number 876 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Oct. 9, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 52, (sic) Whole Number 877 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
Tribute of Respect - Edward B. Dorsey, deceased by I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 5 [International Order of Odd Fellows}
Obituary - John Howel Fleming, infant son of ____ B. and Jane Caroline Fleming, age 1-year, 9-months, and 25-days, their second and last child died on Sunday morning, Oct. ___, 1857, after a painful and lingering illness.
Oct. 16, 1857, Vol. XV, No. 53, (sic) Whole Number 878 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
Oct. 23 1857, Vol. XV, No. 54, (sic) Whole Number 879 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
Obituary - Archibald Currie, age 76, died at his residence on the morning of the 5th inst of apoplexy. He was a native of Scotland. The parents of the deceased came to Wilminghton, NC from Scotland about the close of the revolution. The deceased came to Mississippi in 1805 or 1810. He was among the earliest and oldest of our citizens. He retired early, that dawn might find him on his way to Fayette to meet again at the ballot box to cast another vote. Alas! That dawn passed upon in eternity. [Apoplexy = sudden paralysis with total or partial loss of consciousness caused by breaking or obstruction of a blood vessel in the brain, e.g., a stroke]
Oct. 30 1857, Vol. XV, No. 55, (sic) Whole Number 880 (sic) - Fayette Watch-Tower
No abstracts
= = = = = =
Jefferson Journal
Published every Friday - Henry Baker, Editor
= = = = = =
Nov. 6, 1857, Vol. XVI, No. 1, Whole Number 1 - Jefferson Journal
Board of Police - J. C. Hall, Justice of the Peace, holding inquest on body of slave.
Nov. 13, 1857, Vol. XVI, No. 2, Whole Number 2 - Jefferson Journal
Obituary - Jane Kirkland Reed, age 1-year, 4-months, 22-days, infant daughter of Thomas and Mary Jane Reed on the morning of the 10th inst. about 2 a.m. after a lingering and painful illness. [lengthy article]
Resolution of Respect - James J. Collier, deceased by Mississippi Masonic Lodge No. 56
Administrator’s Notice - Abram H. Buckles, deceased by Dan H. Cameron, Nov. 13, 1857
Nov. 20, 1857, Vol. XVI, No. 3, Whole Number 3 - Jefferson Journal
Trial - In Adams Co., MS on Monday last, the jury in the case of Mississippi vs. three negroes, for the murder of Mr. Skinner, rendered a verdict of guilty.
Administrator’s Sale - Henry Martin, deceased by Joachim Miller, Adm. Nov. 20, 1857
Nov. 27, 1857, Vol. XVI, No. 4, Whole Number 4 - Jefferson Journal
Sad Affair - On Wednesday last, a negro man on the plantation of the late Jerry Terry, expired under the infliction of a lash at the hands of the overseer. The culprit fled. It is reported to be a deliberate and malicious taking of life and we hope the person will be apprehended and made to suffer the fullest penalty known to the law.
Dec. 5, 1857, Vol. I, No. 5, Whole Number 5 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
Dec. 11, 1857, Vol. I, No. 6, Whole Number 6 - Jefferson Journal
Negroes Sentenced in Natchez - Judge Pose of Adams Co. has sentenced the negroes, Reuben,
derson and Anderson, slaves of Mr. Sharpe for the murder of Mr. ___ R. Skinner. They are to be hung on Dec. 11th. [article in the fold of paper and can’t read portions]
Marriage - John W. Harrold to Miss Margaret A. Hyman, both of this county on Thur., Dec. 3rd by Rev. D. T. C. Brown.
Marriage - Jas. B. Wigginton, Esq. of this county to Mrs. Eliza J. Miller of Louisiana in Fayette at the residence of Mrs. A. Daingerfield on the evening of the 8th inst. by Rev. Robt. Price.
Dec. 18, 1857, Vol. I, No. 7, Whole Number 7 - Jefferson Journal
Administrator’s Notice - Henry Wright, deceased by Thomas W. Beck, Administrator, Dec. 11, 1858
Board of Police - Jno. B. Fleming, Summoning Coroner’s Jury as Special Constable at Inquest of Harry Baldwin, f.m.c. (free man of color)
Marriage - Dr. B. F. Montgomery of Tensas Parish, LA to Miss Harrett A. Yates of Schenectady, NY at the home of David Harrison Esq., in this county on the 9th inst. by Rev. Wm. K. Douglas.
Dec. 25, 1857 - Jefferson Journal
Page 1 & 2 missing
Death - Col. George R. Girault on the 13th inst. at his residence. Port Gibson Reville
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January 1, 1858, Vol. I, No. 8, Whole Number 8 - Jefferson Journal
Administrator’s Notice - James Zeagler, deceased by Thos. Reed, Dec. 11, 1857
January 8, 1858, Vol. I, No. 9, Whole Number 9 - Jefferson Journal
Birth - The wife of Sen. Benites of San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas has recently given birth to her 19th child. She is but 33-years old!
Board of Police - Owens & Burch, holing Inquest on body of negro slave, H. L. Tucker, etc.
Obituary - Marston Green Harper, age 22, son of James L. Harper and Emily Harper died at the residence of his brother on Wed., at 12 a.m. of croup. [apparently from the article he was a typesetter for the newspaper] [lengthy article]

January 15, 1858, Vol. I, No. 10, Whole Number 10 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
January 22, 1858, Vol. I, No. 11, Whole Number 11 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
January 29, 1858, Vol. I, No. 12, Whole Number 12 - Jefferson Journal
Large cut-out on page 1 & 2
Obituary - George Felix Harper died on the morning of Friday, Jan. 22, 1858, another workman from our office. The loss of two affectionate brothers and dutiful sons is a shock. [apparently he worked for the newspaper and was the brother of Marston Green Harper and son of James L. Harper and Emily Harper]
Death - George F. Harper, age 20, died at the residence of his brother on the 22nd inst of Scarlet fever.
New Newspaper - On Feb. 1stt will appear a daily issue of the Natchez Free Trader with Col. W. W. Wood, late of the Vicksburg Sentinel as its editor
February 5, 1858, Vol. I, No. 13, Whole Number 13 - Jefferson Journal
Large cut-out on page 1 & 2
Death - A negro belonging to Mr. Weldon was killed on Wednesday near Port Gibson by the caving in to a bank of sand.
Newspaper - The Vicksburg Sun and Vicksburg Sentinel are soon to be merged into one paper.
Administrator’s Notice - Margaret Barker, deceased by John W. Barker, Administrator, Feb. 5, 1858
February 11, 1858, Vol. I, No. 14, Whole Number 14 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
February 19, 1858, Vol. I, No. 15, Whole Number 15 - Jefferson Journal
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
February 26, 1858, Vol. I, No. 16, Whole Number 16 - Jefferson Journal
Marriage - Jefferson Whitney to Miss Josephene Darden, all of this county, on the night of the 18th inst. at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. H. M. Booth
Marriage W. W. Wiggington to Miss Betsey Bemiss, all of this county, on the night of the 23rd by Rev. R. B. Price.
March 5, 1858, Vol. I, No. 17, Whole Number 17 - Jefferson Journal
Marriage - J. Whitney to Miss Josephine Darden, all of Jefferson Co. on the night of the 18th inst. at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. H. M. Booth.
March 12, 1858, Vol. I, No. 18, Whole Number 18 - Jefferson Journal
Cut-out on pages 1 & 2
Inquest - A nude body of a white woman was found last evening about 3-miles below this city [Natchez] on the river bank, among some drift brush, near the residence of Thos. H. Spain. The head and feet were gone and the body shriveled and dried from exposure to the sun. It had been in the water for some time. It is supposed the deceased was a victim of a steamboat explosion or burning. An inquest was held by the Coroner of this county [Adams Co.] yesterday and a verdict in accordance with the above was entered. Natchez Free Trader
Marriage - Claude Pintard of Jefferson Co. to Miss Fannie B. January of Catahoula Parish, LA on Monday evening, March 1st in the Episcopal Church at Natchez by Rev. Charles Reighley.
Marriage - E. J. Pasko of the Natchez Free Trader to Mrs. E. L. Alexander, both of Natchez on the evening of the 4th inst. by Rev. W. H. Watkins.
Deaths & Accident - Two valuable and likely negroes belonging to David McCaa were crushed to death on Monday last by the caving of an embankment, under which they were digging. Port Gibson Reveille
March 19, 1858, Vol. I, No. 19, Whole Number 19 - Jefferson Journal
Death - A fracas occurred on the 1stt inst. between G. W. Matthews and Wm. Ewing, in State St., which resulted fatally, by wounds inflicted by Ewing on Matthews, from the effects of which he died on Friday morning. An inquest was held on the body and a verdict of manslaughter was returned. Ewing is under bond to answer before the city court. Mississippian
Death - On Friday last a horse was found hitched on the bank of a bayou between Sicily Island and Tensas [Parish, LA] on the Rodney road. Near by a heat and some clothing were found. It is supposed the rider of the horse attempted to swim over the bayou to get a small raft that was on the opposite side and was drowned in the attempt. A pocketbook with a few papers and $50 or $60 was found in one of the pockets of the coat.
Stabbing - John T. Harvey stabbed J. F. Tinnon in Lauderdale Co. a few days since, inflicting a wound which is feared fatal.
Death - Mr. Eason, who was shot at the Lauderdale Springs, some weeks since, by Mr. Eads, is dead.
Marriage - William G. Benbrook, Esq. to Miss H. W. B. Parson, both of Natchez, were married at Natchez on the 12th inst.
March 26, 1858, Vol. I, No. 20, Whole Number 20 - Jefferson Journal
Married - Jno. K. Comfort to Miss Ann R. Stephens at the home of the bride’s father on the 24th inst.
Married - H. J. Farly to Miss M. J. Buckles at the home of the bride’s mother on the 18th inst. by Wm. Shaw, Esq.
Death - Francina McCallum, wife of Rev. Angus McCallum on the evening of the 23rd inst of typhoid fever.
Death - Jas. H. Evans, Jr., age 6, son of Jas. H. Evans on the 22nd inst.
Death - Ellis Burch, age 7, son of S. W. Burch and S. Burch on the 22nd inst of scarlet fever.
Death - Benjamin M. Bullen, age 2-years 6-months, son of W. M. Bullen and J. C. Bullen on Monday morning
April 2, 1858, Vol. I, No. 21, Whole Number 21 - Jefferson Journal
Death - The negro who was killed by the [train] cars last week was the property of Angus Taylor, Esq, the Sheriff of Wayne [Co., MS]. He was valuable and the liability of the company for the value of the boy will probably be tested before the courts. Eastern Clarion at Pauling, MS
Trial - Col. Wood who killed Dr. D. C. Sharpe at Lexington, MS about 3-weeks go has had a trial and been admitted to bail in the amount of $10,000
Suicide - Dr. Wilson Yandell of Yazoo Co., MS committed suicide at his father’s house a day or two ago by shooting himself with a gun. It is thought he was deranged at the time, induced by excessive drinking. Vicksburg Sentinel
Death - Mr. Malone struck Mr. Harris with a billet of wood at Quincy, Monroe Co., MS. Harris died last Monday. Malone fled.
Tribute of Respect - Walter Wade, Jr., deceased by the Belles Letters Society, Oakland College, MS
April 9, 1858, Vol. I, No. 22, Whole Number 22 - Jefferson Journal
Large tear on page 1 & 2
Death - Jas. Maxwell, who is favorably known in this community as a trader was killed a few days since in Kentucky by three of his own negroes.
Homicide - An inquest was held the day before yesterday upon the body of a slave, the property of Mrs. Carter residing some 5 or 6-miles in the country who had been killed as appeared in evidence by the overseer, William Sullivan. It appears that Mr. Sullivan was attempting to correct the negro for some misdemeanor, when the negro drew a knife and would no doubt have used it had not Mr. Sullivan prevented it by the use of his own knife, which he inflicted two wounds, one in te right and the other in the left breast, the later entering the heart, either of which would have proved fatal. Mr. Sullivan is now in jail awaiting a legal investigation, which will take place this morning at 9 a.m. before L. Lindey, Esq. Vicksburg True Southern
Stabbing - On Thursday last week, a difficulty occurred at the Tamola depot on the M & O Railroad, between Joseph Doughty and David Herron. Both were badly cut-up. There are little hopes of Herron’s recovery. Doughty acted in self defense. Lauderdale Republican
Death - James Folkes, age 15, son of John M. Folkes and E. Folkes on Friday last, of congestion of the lungs.
Runaway in Jail - Scott of bright complexion, age 17, about 5-feet 4-inches tall, weight 125 or 130 pounds, says he belongs to Henry Sweezer, who lives on the road between Natchez to Kingston, Adams Co., who he ran away from on March 26th.
April 16, 1858, Vol. I, No. 23, Whole Number 23 - Jefferson Journal
Trial - The three negroes, about whom mention was made last week, in connection, with the murder of Maxwell in Nelson Co., KY, have been sentenced to hand on May 7th.
April 23, 1858, Vol. I, No. 24, Whole Number 24 - Jefferson Journal
Death - Hon. William. R. Cannon of Lowndes Co. died on Thursday. Mississippian
April 30, 1858, Vol. I, No. 25, Whole Number 25 - Jefferson Journal
Executor’s Notice - Frederick J. Chambliss, deceased by J. E. Calhoun and John S. Chambliss, Executors
Marriage - R. H. Purdom of the Port Gibson Herald to Miss Margaret ___eriner, all of Claiborne at Burlington on the 26th inst. by Rev. Butler.
May 7, 1858, Vol. I, No. 26, Whole Number 26 - Jefferson Journal
Large fold and cut-up on page 1 & 2
Suicide - J. J. Higdon, a planter, living near Warrenton in this state, committed suicide on the morning of the 1st inst. by shooting himself through the head. Cause unknown.

Marriage - J. M. Lowe of Port Gibson, formerly of Lancaster Co., VA to Miss Jennie E. Pearcefield of Jefferson Co., MS on the 25th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother in Jefferson Co., by Rev. Henry McDonald.
May 14, 1858, Vol. I, No. 27, Whole Number 27 - Jefferson Journal
Difficulty - We learned on Monday a difficulty occurred between R. H. Purdom of the Port Gibson Herald and Henry Baker (editor of this newspaper). The difficulty originated from the publication of a false marriage of Mr. Purdom, by the latter gentleman.
May 21, 1858, Vol. I, No. 28, Whole Number 28 - Jefferson Journal
Death - Ben Wade, Esq. From the Natchez Courier of last Tuesday
Tribute - Walter Wade, Jr., deceased, by the Alumni Associate of Oakland College [very lengthy article - published in Port Gibson Herald, Port Gibson Reveille and Jefferson Journal]
Trial - John W. Wood, charged with killed Dr. D. C. Sharpe, whose trial was to have taken place at Lexington last Wednesday asked for a continuance to the next term on account of absence of witness, which was granted by the court.
Trial - The boy Reuben, belonging to Wm. B. Towles, Esq. of Adams Co., previously convicted of murder but remanded by the Court of Errors and Appeals for a new trial, was acquitted by a jury in the Circuit Court on Wednesday.
Married - Major Samuel S. Montgomery of Jefferson Co. to Miss Laura Herrington on Thursday evening the 6th inst. at the home of James Herrington, Esq., Franklin Co., by Rev. Henry McDonald.
May 28, 1858, Vol. I, No. 29, Whole Number 29 - Jefferson Journal
Suicide - A negro man, property of Rev. J. T. Sims of Hinds Co., committed suicide on Friday last by hanging himself. The negro was missed on Friday and the opinion was that he’d ran away; but upon search, he was found on Sunday lifeless and still suspending from a tree in a forest near the field. No reason can be assigned for his voluntary act of self-destruction. The negro is said to have been a most valuable, likely boy. Vicksburg True Southern
Trial - Judge Posey of Adams Co. Circuit Court sentenced the boy Peter to be hung by the neck until dead on the 28th inst. for the crime of assault on a white person with intent to kill. There is a chance of reversal of the sentence by the High Court of Errors and Appeals to which appellate has already been submitted by the owner of the boy. Natchez Courier
Suicide - Dr. S. B. Bonner of Columbia committed suicide on last Tuesday evening by shooting his brains out with a double barreled shot-gun. No cause is assigned for this act. The doctor enjoyed a lucrative practice and was highly respected in Marion Co. a well as where his father, brothers and sister live. It appears from some remarks which he made on the morning preceding his death he fully contemplated thee act. On his table was a small note written in his hand, without any address or signature: “When you receive this, I shall be cold in death.”
Hung - The negro who killed Mr. Maxwell, well known in this community, near Bardstown, KY, was hung last Friday.
Death - Jno. P. Stewart, Esq., of the Circuit Court of Franklin Co., died at Meadville on the morning of the 20th. He was buried with Masonic honors. Natchez Courier
Death - Mrs. John Whitney on Tuesday last in Decatur, IL [lengthy article]
Trial - Eliza, a negro woman, owned by W. C. Chamberlain, was tried at the late term of the Yallobusha Circuit Court for murder and found guilty and was sentenced to be hung on June 11th.
Trial - Peter, a slave, convicted at the late term of the Adams Co. Circuit Court for assaulting W. G. Spring with intent to kill has been sentenced to be hung on June 18th.
June 4, 1858, Vol. I, No. 30, Whole Number 30 - Jefferson Journal
Death - A negro woman belonging to Jas. M. Wyatt of Tehula, MS, was killed a few days ago by a falling tree limb.
Killing - Mr. Gale, overseer on Col. Coke’s plantation in Washington Co., MS, strangled two negroes to death with a trace chain. The perpetrator of this outrage is in the Greensville Jail awaiting his trial. Memphis Bulletin
June 11, 1858, Vol. I, No. 31, Whole Number 31 - Jefferson Journal
“New Orleans Riots”
Death - Joachim Miller, Esq. of Rodney was kicked by a mule and instantly killed. The blow took effect in the abdomen.
Suicide - Edward L. Cook, Coroner’s Inquest - hung himself by the neck to the walls of his cell at the Adams Co., MS prison where he was confined. He was about 20 years old and came from Elmira, NY where some of his relatives are said to reside. While living in Natchez, he stated he had no parents living. He came to Natchez to secure employment as a Journeyman at the rifle manufactory of H. G. Newcomb on Commerce St. He spent a great deal of his time drinking in saloons and house of bad reputation. He began to neglect his business and after his employer discovered his shop had been burglarized, his safe opened and $400 in gold and notes take. Mr. Newcomb supposed that Cook perpetrated the offense and had him arrested. An indictment as entered by the Adams Co. Grand Jury for the crime of grand larceny. He came to Natchez penniless but soon after the money was missing he spent a great number of the quarter eagles (the same kind of money stolen) at the house of prostitution known as the Globe Hotel. The case was to be re-tried at the November term, while meantime the prisoner remanded to prison. It was a short time after his re-incarceration that he attempted to break jail. He was placed in double irons and he threaten the life of the jailor. This morning (Thur.) at 11 a.m. it was discovered Cook had committed suicide in his cell. He tied a common bowline knot in each end of his old silk handkerchief then wove one part through the other, passing the noose around his neck under the right ear. The handkerchief not being long enough he had spliced it out with a piece of spun yarn which he doubled till it was about 6-inches long. He then placed a ten-penny nail between the cleet (sic) in his cell and the wall and standing upon his trunk gradually swung himself off. At 3 p.m., the body was taken to Potters Field by the City Sexton and buried. Natchez Courier [very lengthy article]
Runaway in Jail - Hezekiah of black color, age about 26, 5-feet 3-inches, weight about 155 or 160 pounds, large scar on chin and neck, says she ran away, 3-weeks ago, from Dr. Patterson, near Grind Stone Ford, Claiborne Co.
Executor’s Notice - William A. Killingsworth, deceased by Lewis H. Drake and William Shaw
Death - Dr. Yandel of Yazoo City was found dead in his bed on the morning of the 2nd inst.
June 18, 1858, Vol. I, No. 32, Whole Number 32 - Jefferson Journal
Explosion of the Steamer ECLIPSE - The Steamer ECLIPSE bursted her starboard heater on Sunday afternoon 8-miles below Natchez. Those killed: Charles Vosburg of Vicksburg, Master of Transportation on the Southern Railroad and Wm. Perhignan of St. Louis, MO.
Explosion of the Steamer PENNSYLVANIA - The Steamer PENNSYLVANIA exploded her boilers Sunday morning at 6 o’clock at Ship Island, 70-miles below Memphis, TN. [lengthy article]
Marriage - John Jacob Horne to Mrs. Julia M. Wilson at the home of the bride on St. Catherine St., Natchez by Ro. W. Wood, Mayor.
Administrator’s Sale - Thomas McGee, deceased by H. L. Tucker, Administrator
Homicide - Yesterday, Marshall Morin, proprietor of the National Hotel, was killed on our streets. Some 10 or 12 shots were fired by each of the parties, yet we are unable to say who fired the first shot. Morin died in a few minutes. The parties involved: Marshall Morin, B. J. Malone and R. Malone. There was a report in town the difficulty grew out of an affair of a very delicate nature in which a young lady of a very respectable connexion (sic) was concerned. We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the report, but give it for what it’s worth. Holly Springs Herald & Memphis Bulletin
June 25, 1858, Vol. I, No. 33, Whole Number 33 - Jefferson Journal
Suicide - J. W. Sharpe, Esq. of Rodney, a few days since, hand-cuffed a negro man to chastise him, “cuffey” broke, and to avoid being retaken, jumped into the river where he died.
Accidental Poisoning - The family of W. M. Quin, Esq. of Holmesville were accidentally poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms, which were not detected until after the development of fatal symptoms. Mr. Quin was the only victim whom medical aid could not restore.
Death - Mrs. Malissa Ann Whitney late consort of John Whitney, Esq., formerly of this county died in Decatur, IL on May 24th of an illness. She was born in 1828 in this county and was the daughter of ___iah Coleman, deceased and the granddaughter of Hugh Montgomery. She added another little infant to the family a few days before she died, making a group of three little girls and their father. [lengthy article]
Death - R. M. Flournoy a planter living not far from Floyd, having heard that a young man known as “Bob Stripling” was unlawfully tampering with a negro girl of his called to the girl to come away or to go home. This gave offense to Stripling who accosted Flournoy and he plunged a bowie-knife into Flournoy’s right-side. Flournoy then went to the nearby post office and made known that he was killed by Stripling in the manner and circumstance described. He survived about 1-hour. Stripling had gone to his room, where he was found abed with his bloody knife under his mattress and was arrested. Lake Providence Herald [lengthy article]
July 2, 1858, Vol. I, No. 34, Whole Number 34 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
July 12, 1858, Vol. I, No. 35, Whole Number 35 - Jefferson Journal
No abstracts
July 19, 1858, Vol. I, No. 36, Whole Number 36 - Jefferson Journal
Death - J. R. M. Vanley, a young man, was drowned last Friday while attempting to cross the Mississippi River in a canoe near Warrenton.
Death - Napoleon Smith about 18-years old, son of Maj. Jno. Smith drowned in a large pond near the home of his father last Wednesday. Canton Commonwealth
Death - J. G. ____, Overseer to John Cole of Marshall, MS, beat a negro woman, property of Mr. Cole, to death on Tuesday last. [partially obscured in fold of paper]
July 26, 1858, Vol. I, No. 37, Whole Number 37 - Jefferson Journal
Issue missing
Aug. 3, 1858, Vol. I, No. 38, Whole Number 38 - Jefferson Journal
Issue missing
Aug. 10, 1858, Vol. I, No. 39, Whole Number 39 - Jefferson Journal
Explosion - The Steamer FALLS CITY exploded her boilers near Commerce, MS, killing two [no names given]. Memphis Bulletin
Death - The People’s Press of the 22nd came draped in mourning for the death of Hon. Geo. Foote, Probate Judge of De Soto Co., MS.
Obituary - James H. Stampley, born April 1, 1795, died Aug. 1, 1858 at 7 a.m. He was one of the oldest citizens of Jefferson Co. He died of functional and organic disease of the heart and kidneys. [lengthy article]
Death - Jas. S. Dixon at his residence near Fayette of dropsy on the 3rd inst.
Administrator’s Notice - James S. Dixon, deceased by Jno. P. Darden, Administrator.
Administrator’s Notice - James H. Stampley, deceased by Jacob Stampley, Administrator.
Aug. 16, 1858, Vol. I, No. 40, Whole Number 40 - Jefferson Journal
Death - A negro boy belonging to Wm. Anderson, planter who lives near Abberville in this county, was accidently shot last Sunday morning by a negro girl. She was carelessly handling a pistol when it went off, the ball striking the boy in the back part of the head and lodging above the right eye. He died a few hours afterwards. Oxford Mercury
Quarantine - Yellow Fever
Inquest - Bennet, a negro man, property of D. C. Quin, Esq. found dead in the woods near his master’s plantation, 2½-miles from this town, on the previous night. Independent
Killed - Mr. Ford, Overseer for John A. Walker, residing about 2-miles from town, was killed by a negro who he had tied and locked up in the smokehouse for disobedience. As Ford entered to get some meat, the negro struck him over the head with a club, fracturing his skull. He died in a few hours. The negro was captured. Aberdeen Sunny South
Death - A. A. Holcombe, who is said to have been a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy was found dead in his bed in a room of the Prentiss House, yesterday morning. The Coroner’s inquest returned a verdict of death by apoplexy. Vicksburg True Southern
Aug. 23, 1858, Vol. I, No. 41, Whole Number 41 - Jefferson Journal
Issue missing
Aug. 30, 1858, Vol. I, No. 42, Whole Number 42 - Jefferson Journal
Gone to the Gold Regions - Isidor Holstien, lately connect with the store of M. Eiseman has left for Fraser River. [lengthy article]
Death - Hon. John Whitney, age 33, in Decatur, IL on the 24th inst., a very prominent citizen formerly of this place.
Death - Jane M. Scott, age 2-years 10-months 20-days, daughter of A. J. Scott Esq. and Martha A. Scott, on Friday, the 30th inst. [lengthy article]
Resolution of Respect - James H. Stampley, Jr., deceased by Solomon B. Stampley, Lodge No. 222, Masons at their Hall at Mounty Carmel, Franklin Co. on Aug. 21, 1858.
Yellow Fever Proclamation by the Mayor
Sept. 6, 1858, Vol. I, No. 42, (sic) Whole Number 43 - Jefferson Journal
Endorsement - A. Marschalk, editor of the Belton Independent (Belton, Texas), formerly of the Rodney Gazette and a cadet in the Washington Military College, heartily seconds the proposition of the Natchez papers to erect a monument over the remains of Maj. Halbrook and offers his contribution.
Sept. 13, 1858, Vol. I, No. 44, Whole Number 44 - Jefferson Journal
Eulogy on General John Anthony Quitman - He was born on Sept. 1, 1799 in Dutchess Co., NY. His father was a Prussian by birth. He arrived in Natchez, MS in 1821 at Monmouth, where he is now buried. In 1827 he was elected to the Mississippi state legislature. In 1836, and an several members of the Natchez Fencibles left Mississippi and traveled to help with the Texas Revolution, only to arrive after the Battle of San Jacinto. In 1846, Gen. Quitman participated in the Mexican War. He was elected Governor of Mississippi from 1835-36 and again, from 1850-51. candidate for Democratic nomination for Vice President in 1848 and 1856; U.S. House of Representative from Mississippi 5th District from 1855-58; died in office 1858. He took ill at a banquet during the inauguration of President James Buchanan, in Washington, DC, and subsequently died, near Natchez, Adams Co., MS on July 17, 1858 at Monmouth and was buried under the rites of the Masons. [very lengthy article that runs almost an entire page]
Executors’ Sale - Peter C. Chambliss, deceased by Cortez Chambliss and Calvin F. Chambliss, Executors
Sept. 20, 1858, Vol. I, No. 45, Whole Number 45 - Jefferson Journal
Death - Walter Hopkins, editor of the Louisiana Courier died at his hotel at Chartress St., on the morning of the 12th inst.
Death - J. C. Griffing, postmaster at Grand Gulf died on the 13th inst. after a lingering illness. Mr. Griffing leaves a large family.
Sept. 27, 1858, Vol. I, No. 46, Whole Number 46 - Jefferson Journal

Yellow Fever - Natchez, six deaths up to the morning of the 24rd, no names given.
Yellow Fever - Vicksburg, 35 cases under treatment, five deaths reported by the Sexton, in addition six deaths at the city hospital and one in private practice outside of city limits, up to the morning of the 24rd, no names given.
Death - There was a difficulty in De Soto Co., between Mr. Williams and Mr. Davis in which the latter was killed. No further particulars. Hernando Press
Accident - John Edy was accidently shot while dismounting from his horse, the horse shied and the gun discharged its contents in his head. Hernando Press [doesn’t say if he died]
Homicide - Robert Sanders, deputy sheriff of Leake Co., killed one Cottingham in self-defense, in endeavoring to arrest him with a bench warrant at Good Hope, Leake Co., their place of residence on Tuesday last.
Trial - Ned, a negro boy who murdered his overseer near Red Bluff a few weeks ago, has been found guilty and sentenced to be hung on Oct. 8th.
Obituary - John Whitney, son of Hon. John Whitney, died at his new home, Decatur, IL on the morning of Aug. 20th last after a short illness. He was born in Natchez on April 19, 1820 and resided in this vicinity until the fall of 1856 when allured by the growing prosperity of the West, he was induced to settle in Decatur, IL. [lengthy article]
Death - Archibald Baker, age 70, at this residence on the 20th inst. of dropsy.
Death - Laurent J. Signer [Siguer], a distinguished politician of Louisiana died on the 19th inst.
Death - At the home of Dr. J. H. Posey, [article doesn’t specify name] from yellow fever.
Oct. 4, 1858, Vol. I, No. 47, Whole Number 47 - Jefferson Journal
The Belton Independence (Belton, Texas) publishes a list of counties of that State with their county seats, when created and for whom, or what named. There are 153 counties, and the first one after the original ones was established in 1837.
Suicide - Susan Hoover, committed suicide in the suburbs of Woodville, MS, by taking strychnine last Wednesday morning. A coroner’s inquest was held over the body and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. Woodville Republican
Death - James Johnson, while riding near Morton, MS, was shot dead by Ben Moore, there having been a feud between the families.
Marriage - H. C. Perkins of Jefferson Co. to Miss E. L. Perkins of Claiborne Co., on the 23rd ult. by Rev. Eage of the Baptist Church in Claiborne Co.
Runaway in Jail - Isaac of copper color, about age 26, 5-feet 9-inches tall, weight 140 pounds, says he belongs to Mrs. Eliza Collins, who lives 15-miles from Richmond, from whom it ran away about 6-months ago,
Oct. 11, 1858, Vol. I, No. 48, Whole Number 48 - Jefferson Journal
Shooting - Last Saturday, the Sheriff at Starksville, MS, attempted to arrest two brothers Mr. Whitfield (older brother) and Mr. Whitfield (younger brother) for disturbing a public worship and met with some violence. The Sheriff found them at a wedding and summoned a posse to arrest them. While attempting to take the brothers into custody, the younger brother discharged a loaded pistol into the crowd and the ball struck Mr. Saxton, one of the Sheriff’s posse and it will probably prove fatal. Starksville Advocate
Death - It was rumored that Andrew Doyle, who died at the Fayette Exchange on Saturday had yellow fever. The attending physician stated that he scarcely had any fever and his death was caused by hemorrhage of the lungs. He came here Monday last from Cincinnati, the cold frigid country of the North, where yellow fever is almost unknown. He was well administered upon during the 4-days of his sickness and although a stranger here, was borne to a respectable grave, by a large number of sympathizing stranger friends.
Death - Edwin Gabain, editor of the German Gazette of New Orleans, due to yellow fever.
Death - Charles T. French, Recorder of Concordia Parish, LA died in Vidalia from yellow fever on the 6th.
Yellow Fever - Interments from yellow fever in New Orleans for Oct. 4th were 68, for the week 380 [no names given]
Deaths - Since the death of John C. Calhoun, three of his sons and a daughter have died.
Death - John      ser, age 70, on the 6th inst. [partial tear and obscured in edge shadow]
Death - Son, age 2, of A. Clawson, on the 6th inst. [partial tear and obscured in edge shadow]
Death - Andrew Doyle, age 44 on Saturday [obscured in edge shadow]
Death - Mrs. Burke, consort of _____ Burke on Wednesday [partial tear and obscured in edge shadow]
Obituary - Mrs. Nancy Campbell, age 22, consort of Robert Campbell died at 10 a.m. on Wednesday [lengthy article]
Obituary - ___rdock Stewart, age 11-months, youngest son of James Stewart and ___ Stewart at Rodney on the 5th inst. [obscured in edge shadow]

Oct. 18, 1858, Vol. I, No. 49, Whole Number 49 - Jefferson Journal
Very dark issue and almost impossible to read the microfilm.
Death - Alexander McNair, age 67, father of Hon. John McNair
Tribute of Respect - John Whitney, Esq., deceased
Marriage - Wm. Morris, Esq of Port Gibson to Miss May McCaleb, daughter of the Hon. Theodore McCaleb, Judge of the U.S. District Court at New Orleans, LA in Claiborne Co., on the evening of the 12th inst by Rev. B. Jones.
Big tear and missing center portion of page 3 & 4
End of the run - There are no additional issues on reel for 1858

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