
Jefferson County



Jurors of the Circuit Court

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

September Term 1832

Submitted by Sue B. Moore

Jefferson County Mississippi - Court Records, 1802-1813; Minutes, 1822-1835 Family History Library Film # 893057, Salt Lake City, Utah
Page 180
The Sheriff in open court produced the Jury box, and the following persons names were drawn to serve as jurors at the next Term of the Circuit Court for Jefferson County to be held on on the 4th Monday in September next (1832) to wit-

Thomas C. Vaughn
John H. Duncan
John Ducker
Hiram Baldwin
John W. Pipes
James Kelly
John Tullis
Leander Aldrich
Allison Ross
Wm. G. Vause
Joseph Rayney
Henry Ledbetter
Moses Odom
Robert Farley
F. McCaleb
Augustus Campbell
Elisha Brazeale
Andrew Montgomery
Richard Farris
Abner Pipes

H. H. Hamilton
Francis Tidwell
Aaron Rowark
Alex. Young
Jno. Baldwin
Jno. McIntire
David Bullen
Daniel McIntire
P. Elam
Isaac Dunbar
Jno. Robinson
A. Hamberlin
Jno. Turnbull, Sr.
Richard Spain
Turner Lumbly
Peter Emerick
A. B. Sims
Levi C. Harris
Archibald Torry
Thomas O. McDonald

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