
Jefferson County



Estate of Middleton Kelly

Submitted by Jane Combs

The estate of Middleton Kelly, deceased, in account with John G. Faris, Administrator thereof, Said Administrator charges himself with the moneys of said estate, on his hands as follows, to wit;
With the balance of money remaining on his hands on the settlement of the last annual administration account of said estate. $93.05

Said Administrator asks credit and allowance for the following moneys paid out of disbursed for and on account of said estate as shown by the vouchers to wit;

No Name Vouchers Amt.

1 Wm. B. Johnson Tax Receipt $7.31
2 S. Roses & Brothers Receipt on Acct. $ 20.35


Bal. due Est. $65.39

Sworn to and subscribed in open court this 5th day of June AD 1855
J M. Ellis, Judge John G. Faris
Examined, approved, confirmed and ordered to be
Recorded, July 5, 1855

J M. Ellis, Judge

Estate of Elizabeth Kelly, Deceased

First annual account of Abram K. Vause, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Kelly, deceased.

1854 to 55

Said accountant charges himself as follows to wit:

With cash left by said intestate at her decease $175.00
With cash rec'd from Jas. W. Kelly 32.50
With cash rec'd from Wm. Shaw 90.00
With cash rec'd from W. J. Orr 109.75
With cash rec'd from Norman Frisby 50.50
With cash rec'd from Wm. F. Scott 41.10


Said accountant clains credit for the following disbursements made by him on account of

Said estate viz:
Cash paid A. J. Tibbs Voucher 1 40.00
Cash paid Burch & Agle Voucher 2 18.30
Cash paid Weis & Eusenan Voucher 3 6.50
Cash paid John F. West Voucher 4 2.65
Cash paid E. H. Hicks Voucher 5 10.00
Cash paid W. M. Hickey Voucher 6 180.00
Cash paid L. Wade Voucher 7 5.00
Cash paid Gno. H. Wilcox Voucher 8 50.00
Cash paid J. A. Graves Voucher 9 5.00
Cash paid Taxes &c, Voucher 10 6.55
Cash paid Thomas Harper Voucher 11 33.75


Cash paid Office of Court Voucher 12 91.85
Balance came down to my debit $49.15 $498.75
Balance down to debit admin. $49.15

State of Mississippe
Jefferson County

Personally appeared before the undersigned a Judge of the Probate
Court of said County….. (copy ends here)

Court Records


Court Cases