
Jefferson County



Ambrose D. & Thomas Q. Geoghegan

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by Ann Allen Geoghegan

Ambrose Denton (A.D.) Geoghegan and Thomas Quincy Geoghegan served with Company "D", the Thomas Hinds Guards of Jefferson County. Quincy was killed in July, 1863 at the Battle of Gettysburg.

A.D. enlisted as a private but was quickly promoted to Lieutenant. A.D. was never sick a day, never missed a battle that his command was in, was slightly wounded three or four times, and on one occasion, during the fighting around Richmond, he had three bullet holes through his hat and coat collar.

The last eight months of the war his company was cut down to a mere handful of men, with three officers. The companies F and G (19th Mississippi) had no officers and petitioned that Geoghegan be put over them. He took Company F, and happened to be one of the unfortunates who had to help defend Fort Baldwin and Fort Gregg at Petersburg and was captured on the second day of April.

The prisoners were sent to Johnson's Island, and not being the kind that would take the oath, A.D. spent the summer on the island. A.D. returned from the war and on January 6, 1873, he married Miss. Loucretia "Lula" Dromgoole.


War of 1812

Civil War
